Diversity & Inclusion in AI/VR design

Are you interested in or involved in VR/AI design? If so, I encourage you to read on.

It’s no secret that in every industry buzz in AI and VR integration abound. Companies scramble to find ways to leverage the benefits of new technologies. In healthcare, for example, the market for healthcare artificial intelligence tools is expected to surpass $34 billion by the middle of the 2020s.

So who are the team members in your organization involved in the design of these platforms? And what steps are they taking towards diversity and inclusion in their design (platform, visuals used, content/word choice, etc) and functionality (programming, flow, etc)? Are you including considerations for different age groups of users (adolescents? elderly? in between?)? Genders? Sexual orientations? Ethnicities? Special needs? How well are each of these groups represented? And how present are these voices as you map out your project? How about in your market testing?

For example, how can your organization create an opportunity for adolescents to have a say in the design of your healthcare AI platform? Why adolescents? Because according to psychiatrist and bestselling author Dan Siegel, “the major innovations in art, music, technology and science come from adolescent minds." During that time, the make up of their brain allows for greater “exploration,” which can perhaps allow them to contribute something to the conversation that is completely outside of the box.

In an age where we expect increased social awareness, organizations have a responsibility to their customers to do better. To be more inclusive. To broaden the conversation and their approach. And as the consumer voice grows, this will be a necessity rather than a luxury.

ENGAGE:  Looking for a way to expand your AI and VR conversations with greater EQ? Click here to contact me and let’s get started. 

GO FURTHER:  I’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to comment below or send me a message.