Emotion drives action.  In an age of fast fixes, quick returns, and information overload, motivating people to action increasingly relies on the soft skills that create authentic connection and stand out from the all the noise.  This is true whether its in reference to audiences engaging with your product or web platform, your marketing efforts, or your drive for increased employee retention and job satisfaction based on members of your organization connecting on a deeper level.  Engagement and connection is the language of loyalty and trust building, which is the valuation marker in today’s economy. 

This blog aims to speak to the intersection of emotional intelligence and design:  human behavior and neuropsychology factors that affect our emotional intelligence as it relates to engagement and decision making.  In other words, using (EQ) and the human factors that drive why we do what we do to create meaningful, impactful engagements via intelligent design. 

This work falls into three main categories:   

  • “Product” (how do the subconscious and the senses affect how your product is received by an audience.  Product is inclusive of consumer product goods, web platforms, and physical spaces),
  • “People” (how to improve your engagements with people.  People is defined as the people you to market your Product to (pitch), and the people you market your self to (team dynamics in your corporate culture), and
  • “Personal” (how to understand your self and why that’s a critical starting point in relating to others. 

It is my hope that these blog posts will offer insight into the implications of EQ in these categories and tools for greater EQ integration.  This information can be leveraged by leadership executives in administration, marketing, and human resources, as well as those with a passion for increased understanding of EQ and human behavior.