leila entezamComment

D&I: Expanding Your Definitions

leila entezamComment
D&I: Expanding Your Definitions

Age, sex, gender identity, beliefs, race, weight, physical shape, height, ethnicity, culture, education, religion, disability, intro- vs extrovert, political views…this list certainly doesn’t capture all aspects of diversity and inclusion…but now, with the changes in landscape coronavirus has created globally, I thought it was a good time to revisit the list as a check-in for how we’re engaging with one another. It was also on my heart to add another perhaps less traditional item to that list: inclusion and acceptance of various reactions to coronavirus chaos. I’ve had some clients who are crying several times a day, and some who are showing courage in leadership as they move their organization forward; some people have very real fears of losing their jobs and financial impact, some don’t feel as threatened; some are needing to “withdraw,” some need greater connection to pull through.

As an individual, a team, and an organization, what are you doing to create space for all these variances?

1-Empathy: as you navigate your day, take an extra moment to remember that people may be experiencing some very complicated realities right now.

2-Deep Listening: not just listening for the words that are spoken, but listening with intention and awareness to hear what’s in between the words, what’s not being said, the non-verbal cues.

3-Psychological Safety: the ability to be your whole self all the time without fear of negative consequences of self-image, status or career. (For more on fostering this within your organization, its a great time to pick up my friend Amy Edmondson's book on the topic, "The Fearless Organization.")