Your Leadership Starts Here

Your Leadership Starts Here

There is a principle in psychology called Attachment Theory. In my paraphrase of it, basically the relationships you form with your primary caregivers (typically your parent(s)) as a child affect your sense of “safety” in the world around you with respect to forming relationships, feeling seen/heard/valued, etc. For example, if your mom was always critical, you may grow up never feeling good enough, and that can impact how you engage with people the rest of your life.

As an Executive Leadership Coach, Attachment Theory has always been the backbone of my work. I use it to build a foundation of “how you got to be who you are today” as we come to understand your triggers, why they affect you, who’s voice they represent, etc. and 100% of the time, I have found the answers we find in this exploration to be relevant to how the executive is leading today.

It was exciting, therefore, to see the recent BBC article that discusses this very principle. Stating, “Your parents have affected many things about your development – potentially including how you relate to colleagues in your office,” it expands on the different types of Attachment and briefly offers some factors that may influence it. The article also includes links to additional research.

I strongly encourage you to take a few moments to check out the article and learn more about this work. I personally have found it to be invaluable!

ENGAGE: I’d love to hear what you discover about yourself in reading the article. Click here to contact me and let’s chat. 

GO FURTHER:  I’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to comment below or send me a message.


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